Make Sure You Understand Your Charges

Go over your options with a DWI defense attorney in North Little Rock, AR

Driving while intoxicated can lead to significant legal trouble. In North Little Rock, AR, law enforcement has a zero-tolerance policy, and the consequences for a DWI increase with every conviction. This means that there's a stronger chance of false arrests.

The Cannon Law Firm will work to clear your name after a DWI. Our attorney, David Cannon, has more than two decades of experience defending clients just like you. He will walk you through each step of your case to help you make informed legal decisions.

Contact us today to set up an appointment with our DWI defense attorney. David offers free consultations.

Did law enforcement violate your rights?

Did law enforcement violate your rights?

Just because the police arrested you doesn't mean they had a right to. Without proper grounds, they may have violated your rights. When you hire our DWI attorney, you'll have someone on your side to gather evidence and protect your civil rights.

Gathering evidence for your case includes...

  • Checking for false results on your blood alcohol or Breathalyzer test
  • Verifying that law enforcement had legal grounds to stop you
  • Analyzing your roadside test for human error
By double-checking every piece of evidence, our DWI defense attorney may come across evidence of improper behavior by law enforcement. This could be grounds to get your charges dismissed.

The earlier you start building your case, the better. Call 501-978-5353 now for more information.